Department of English
About the Department
Department of English is committed to symbiotic relationship of teaching and research. Having a proud record of teaching excellence the Department offers B.A, M.A, Ph.D programme. With the stellar faculty of high intellectual ability and scholarly accomplishment, the Department has structured the academic programmes in sync with development of English Studies. It provides the students with a stimulating environment to have them develop skills in all areas of English, primarily communication skill that has acquired a new power base and a new elitism socially and professionally.
To develop the Department into a Centre of Academic Excellence through innovative and technology enhanced pedagogies to graduate the students into morally upright, intellectually superior, socially cultivated, communicatively proficient and globally competent citizens.
• To provide the students with education of highest quality in British, American, Indian and World Literatures and Cultural and Environmental Studies.
• To impart resourcefully to the students literary, research and cultural sensibilities, language proficiency, critical thinking, ethical and moral responsibility, professional competence and the sense of lifelong learning to graduate them to quality life.
• To practise technology enhanced interdisciplinary approach to ensure the healthy intellectual and cultural growth of the students for the better social, economic and cultural environment in the society.
• To humanize education to shape the attitude of the students to mature them into morally and ethically cultured citizens.
Dr. M.R. Chandran
Associate Professor and Pricipal
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English Department (Self-Financing)