College Association’s
The following are the Associations governed by the President and the Vice Presidents to promote co academic activities:
1: Tamil Peravai
2: English Association
3: Mathematics Association
4: Physics Association
5: Chemistry Association
6: Botany Association
7: History Association
8: Commerce Association
9: College Planning Forum
10: Social Service League
The Principal shall be the ex-offcio president of all the above Associations and he will be the final authority on all matters pertaining to the Associations. The vice Presidents of the Associations shall be nominated by him from among the members of the teaching staff.
Meeting shall be held only with the prior approval of the Principal or any Vice President deputed by him for this purpose.
No expenditure shall be incurred except on the permission of the Principal. The current fund of the Association shall be kept in Such a status as the Principal may direct. All expenditures shall be incurred only after the Principal have sanctioned them.